Different forms of mascaras appear from time to time,
but the most common varieties are the cake, which is
applied with a wetted brush, and the semiliquid, which
is in a tube with a wand applicator. Although they
all come in a number of shades, the black and dark
brown colors are the most useful and most natural.
While the wand variety may be acceptable for personal
use, make-up artists more often prefer the cake type
as the brushes can be easily cleaned and sterilized be-
tween uses while the wand cannot.
As an adjunct to or often combined with mascara are
false eyelashes. These may be applied either singly or
in strips. Most are supplied in black or brown, but
colors are available on special orders from certain man-
ufacturers. They are best adhered with a latex-type
eyelash adhesive for the safest and easiest method. A
type of strip lash with a transparent filament base is
available when eyelining is to be kept to a minimum
but when some emphasis is desired in the lash area.
Take care in applying the single or tuft-type lashes
(singles with three or four hairs attached) with any of
the plastic glues or adhesives because these may cause
damage to the natural lashes to which they must be
attached. (See pages 65-66 for further information on
false eyelashes.)