The key to this cool, strong daytime look is the clever blending of pearly, pale eyeshadows. White, lilac, pink, and coral work together to create a frosty, shimmering feel that is perfect for brightening bleak winter days. A pearly white eyeshadow is also used to highlight the cheekbones and helps enhance the pale, frosted effect. Lashes and brows are gently outlined in soft brown, while the orange lips and light orange blusher make a dramatic contrast and add a hint of summer to the overall effect.
♦ For an extra frosty touch, use a paler foundation than your natural skin tone and add a light dusting of pearly powder to the face, neck, and shoulders.
♦ Do not apply too much eyeshadow all at once: first see how we!! you can blend the colors together. You can always add more shadow if you want the effect to be stronger.
♦ To complete the shimmering look, choose a nail polish that picks up on one of the eyeshadow colors, such as lilac or pearly pink
♦ This is a fairly sophisticated look that needs simple but dramatic clothing – anything in silver, black, or midnight blue would increase the impact of the makeup.
1 Moisturize and apply a cake foundation to the face and neck.
2 Brush eyebrows into shape and fill in any gaps with a brown eyebrow pencil.
3 Use a pearly while eyeshadow all over the eye area. Blend a lilac shadow along the socket line and under the lower lashes. Blend a pearly pink shadow from the center of the lid outward. Dot inner corners with a coral shadow.
4 Curl the eyelashes if necessary. Gently brush lashes with light brown mascara.
5 Highlight the cheekbones with the pearly white eyeshadow and use a light orange blusher underneath it.
6 Outline the lips with an orangey brown lip liner and fill in with a matching lipstick.