The crucial point about choosing colors is not to set yourself too many rules – all too often, for example, redheads are told to stick to coppery brown eyeshadows and brown mascara, while those with black skin are usually advised to avoid pinks and blues and to wear nothing but the most muted of lip colors. But this kind of approach to color is limiting; it is only by experimenting with different color palettes – and breaking some of the rules – that you will be able to find the makeup that works best for you and create an exciting range of fresh, new looks. The only element for which there is very little room for maneuvering is your foundation, which should always match your natural skin lone as closely as possible. To start choosing makeup palettes to suit your natural coloring, lake the selections shown here as basic starting points that you can build on and develop according to the different effects you want to achieve.
The influence of fashion Your choice of makeup will also be influenced by the style and color of your clothes. Picking out one bright shade from an item of clothing or jewelry and choosing a highlight eyeshadow to match is an easy way to experiment with more daring colors. Simply dab a little of the color onto the center of the eyelid, smudge, and blend into a neutral-colored base. Because fashion colors are constantly changing, you will need to experiment with new palettes on a regular basis to find the products that work best for you. Styles of makeup change, too. For example, bright lips might be partnered by barely made-up eyes one season, while dark, dramatic eyes and pale, insignificant lips will be the only choice for the next. So to make the most of todays ever-expanding range of makeup colors, you need to keep one eye on what is happening in the fashion world and the other on what suits your natural coloring.
Black Skin
Warm beige, golden brown, burgundy, and lerra-coua arc the play-safe choices for black skin. Be more adventurous by creating a contrast with pearly lilacs and bright blues.
Dark Hair/Olive Skin
Complement olive skin and dark brown eyes with warm, deep shades that look strong but natural. Darker mauves, pinks, and blues make an unusual alternative and add extra radiance.
Light Brown Hair/Olive Skin
The gold-fleckcd undertones of light olive coloring are brought to life with warm shades, such as terra-cotta, peach, and soft browns. Pearly lilacs and slate grays are colorful options.
Red Hair/Pale Skin
Pale redheads look good in warm shades that help to enhance their natural creamy tones. But brighter colors can make an exciting contrast, and blue and bronze look good with blue eyes.
Fair Hair/Pale Skin
Cool-toned makeup, such as a mauvey brown lipstick, is a dramatic option for this coloring, but soft, baby shades work well for a decidedly pretty effect.
Asian Skin
Beige-Toned Asian Skin
Warm colors, such as apricot and terra-cotta, flatter this kind of coloring. Reflective metallic shades also work well and help lift the face, but they must be perfectly blended. Try to pick up on fashion colors, too.
Pale-Toned Asian Skin
Neutral shades on the eyes and deep color on the lips are the traditional choices for this coloring. Create more modern impact with brighter, vibrant colors, but limit them to the eyes or the mouth.