BOWS, RIBBONS AND FLOWERSA bow must be smart looking and a^ if made of new ribbon, the loops and ends fitting well into the knot; that is, the knot must wrap around the loops and ends, pulling them in tightly.

In Bow No. 1, notice how the knot curves around, as also do the wrinkles on the knot. Ihe loops stand out, while the ends hang straight down. Note the XX lines on the ends. You see inside of one of the loops, hence the over-skirt line (Lesson III, Fig G).

Bow No. 2 is an example of a stiff-pointed bow for the waist, and as in Bow No. 1, the knot and wrinkles curve around the ends.

Bow No. 3 is an example of a four-inhand, the knot and wrinkles curving around the ends, but the knot is a different shape, caused by the way the ribbon is tied.

In Bow No. 4 we have the ends only, here we have not an outline alone to deal with, but an explanation of how to put the ink on for black ribbon. Most of this drawing is of ink with the paper left for the high lights, the heavy parts fitting in between other heavy parts. Outline all places to be made solid, then ink in with a small brush. See Lesson XIX.

Bow No. 5 is a stiff hat bow and follows the principles of loops. Note the inside of the loop as in Bow No. 1.

Bow No. 6 follows the principles of Bow No. 1, but being a neck bow with short ends, the ends take the direction of the loops.
Bow No. 7 is a rosette with ends. Watch the direction of the lines to obtain this effect.

At the bottom of the page is illustrated a broad ribbon run through holes. Note the guide lines at the top and bottom of the holes. All holes must be the same size, evenly spaced, and not drawn too near the edge of banding. If the ribbon is wide, it will bulge at the top and bottom, causing the lines to take a rounding shape instead of,being straight like the openings. A ribbon the width of the holes will not wrinkle as this wide one does.

If a ribbon is turned over, the width of the ribbon vanishes where it is turned.

When drawing the patent leather belt, outline the place for the black after the belt is outlined, then ink in with a brush. A belt like this is hard and shiny, therefore it will have a few irregular high lights, also a line of light around the edge except on the dark side.

Remember the instruction on the buckle given in Lesson Y, but in outlining a buckle on a solid back ground, remember that the outline of the buckle where it touches the belt will be a part of the back ground when it is inked in, so gauge accordingly.

Flowers are expressed with a few line is. Draw the full front flower, also the side view. Notice how the petals fit into each other.

Practiec drawing bows and flowers. Make a careful study of black ribbon and bows,