Walkingstick Walkingsticks stay still during the day doing what they do best: looking like a twig so they will not get …
Tree Hopper Treehoppers have an extended pronotum (upper front section of thorax) that makes them look like a thorn. This protects them …
Tiger Beetle Tiger beetles are usually shiny metallic colors. You will find them in bright sunlight in sandy areas. They run fast …
Termite (worker) Most termite species feed on wood, which they can digest because of special microorganisms in their intestines. Termites can be …
Stink Bug Stink bugs release foul-smelling fluid when disturbed. Some stink bugs eat caterpillars and larvae, while others live off plant sap.…
Springtail Tiny wingless springtails come in many varieties. Some types of springtail live on ice and snow! The furcula allows this …
Silverfish The scaly covering of the silverfish makes it difficult for ants and spiders to grab it. It lives in warm, …